One piece at a time

Why the last piece of pie?

The day my life became complete.

Not long ago, there was a top 10 list of things your mom never told you going around Facebook. Listed I believe in the second spot was this: “She wanted the last piece of pie.” And so it was born. This idea that I could start a blog that discusses the things in life that we moms have willingly given up for our families and how when the time is right- we can grab a fork and enjoy the last piece of pie ourselves.

The title is a nod to all those Mom’s who put themselves if not last then close to last as they raised a family. We’ve all done it. One morning you’re looking at those concert tickets that you’d love to buy, and by the afternoon your kid’s have come home with soccer sign up forms, or a note saying they need a new costume for their dance recital. The hundred dollars you’ve saved for that girls night out is quickly given up when the car decides it’s going to sputter and stall and so on and so on.

I’d like this to be a place where my storytelling can help open up others to think about some of their dreams. These dreams are allowed to be wild and far fetched. They are allowed to be whatever you want them to be. I have hopes that we can become a community that puts a little focus back on ourselves. The last piece of pie is my passion. It’s my outlet, and I hope you will find my stories and quotes and small video’s to be fun and uplifting. I intend for it to be a place of positive reflection and prompting.

My children are grown and have families of their own they are raising. I have a very blessed life. My blog is not to suggest that I should “have it all” but rather a realization that I have done what was necessary during my child-raising years, and now I am free to explore my interests…passions if you will.

I’m going to be touching on some idea’s that I’ve had for years. Job’s I’d like to try and some projects I’ve been thinking about that I hope to move off the paper and put into action. I have fallen in love with writing again, a love I have had as far back as I can remember. I had shelved this passion for years, but now is the time to enjoy The last piece of pie! I’m guessing I will have some flops along the way- but I will be in pursuit of what brings me personal accomplishment and joy. There will be inspirational quotes, and both fiction and non-fiction stories. I’m throwing it all in here, like a big pot of soup I will add all I can and hope that it will appeal to you.

So now is the time. I’m looking forward to hearing from others, let’s network and see what we can do to make each other’s passions come to life. So here we go ladies, pick up a fork and finally enjoy “The last piece of pie”.

Till next time- Erin