One piece at a time


One of the first things I saw after shuffling myself to the kitchen this morning was a nearly used bottle of sprinkles. My first thought…” not today sprinkles, not today!” This day was not a sprinkle day.

I woke with a slight panic, than realized it was more sadness. For a minute I thought about the days I was plagued by anxiety and seasonal depression… I inhaled, exhaled and said a quick prayer that the feeling would go away. It did, as quickly as it had entered. Then the sprinkles…

Jammies on, coffee brewing (albeit decaf, this is surely some kind of joke). No matter how your day starts you must go on. Even on hard days. Don’t we wish that all days could be sprinkle days? Don’t we wish there was always celebration, laughter, and reward in the form of a giant cupcake made by someone who got to celebrate with us, someone who knew we loved extra frosting and lots of sprinkles! But, that’s not how it goes.

Life. Sometimes you don’t get to have the cupcake and certainly no sprinkles. But, you know what… sometimes you do. After all, the sprinkle container is nearly empty, and truth be told, it’s got probably half a dozen sprinkle container friends in the cabinet with it, they are all half full at best. This means that there have been lots of celebration days. There’s been plenty of sprinkle shakin’ going on, and you have to remember that on a day when you can’t see past the garlic powder and red pepper flakes.

As mentioned earlier, I woke up sad. Today one of my daughters best friends was going to be leaving us. The rainbow bridge was waiting, and this beautiful four legged loyal boy was about to cross, while we, his people stay behind. It’s gut-wrenching. So yep, we’re all sad here tonight. Hopefully in the next few weeks we will get back to remembering the fun, the playfulness and the memories that were all sprinkle days. By the way…the fact that the sprinkles are rainbow colored has not escaped me. Thanks for taking care of my girl Benny Boy~ we’ll take it from here.

Benny Boy

Till next time~ Erin

6 thoughts on “Sprinkles”

  1. Aww sorry to hear about your daughter’s dog. It’s one of the toughest things.

    I love your sprinkle analogy! Reminds us that we did have many happy times! ❤️

    1. It’s so hard, literally the reason I’ve avoided another four legged family member. I know this means I’m missing out on the good days too…..but can’t do it.

    1. You’re a dog person from the bottom of your soul, you understand this pain all too well. 😞❤️

  2. That’s what I call my son! Benny Boy. They both “took care” of Carly. Interesting

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