One piece at a time


Six a.m. and I’m already at the second airport of the day. Not a usual start to the day for this homebody. Here I am at O’Hare, if I were traveling with my Grandma Beer she’d ask “Where are they hanging the meat?” My last minute decision to grab my “Grandma” sweatshirt was the best decision I’ve made since throwing out the borderline chicken in the fridge. It’s freezing in here, or maybe it’s the blood thinners talking? Either way, I’m hunkered down wishing I had a blanket.

My hunt for the nearest Dunkin’ was a flop~ I could see it from the seat on my plane while we made our way to our gate but spent two thousand steps looking for it. My lack of sleep will kick my ass later today and coffee, as always is a must! Found a McDonalds, and thankfully the line was a mile long…us humans (sigh) a million choices but we are creatures of habit. My lack of patience leads me to a cafe with Spanish tacos, red roasted salsa and coffee! Worth the twelve bucks they are asking.
Thank you Chicago!

I spent a lot of sleepless time thinking about my blog last night- it was the chicken or the egg effect… could I not sleep because I was thinking about the blog, or did thinking about the blog make me not sleep? Either way, I am surprised by the path it has taken so far- I thought right out of the gate I would be trying out different jobs and business ideas, and I still want to do that. Passing a horse trailer daily that I talk about turning into a bar, redesigning the local ice cream shop in my head for the millionth time readying myself for the day it goes for sale and I can buy it- looking to do more baking and creating this winter… but for now, I hope you’ll stick with me while I tell some stories. While I reminisce out loud.

I’m surprised that so many of my stories include my mom, and more than that is the fact that they are serious. With a name like “The last piece of pie” you know I thought the posts would be more humorous. Ya just don’t know till you begin to write. All I do know is that gratitude and calmness play a bigger roll in my life since I’ve been focused on my passion. So maybe just maybe the universe is telling me something.

Just this morning before my flight I looked around and thought “How many of these people are traveling and taking time away from their family for a job they hate?” Then I was seated next to a great gal who talked about how much she hates traveling and that leaving her three kids had her thinking about life changes every day. Food for thought, if your morning starts out with doom, and dread for the day- that’s your sign.

Adjust your life, make some changes.

It will be like a Buffett song and your changes in latitude will be your changes in attitude.

Till next time- Erin

7 thoughts on “Sleepless”

  1. Love it!
    This is a good one. You know I love what I do and the fact that I do leave for work with dread and doom some days kicks me in the ass. It’s also the reason i try to find something pretty or uplifting first thing in morning, to encourage myself and others. Your comment was an eye opener , a smack in the face if you will. Do I take that leap and leave my comfort zone?
    Thank you for what you do.

    1. I hope that somehow you can merge the two, enjoying what you do and following your passion. I know you great at your job so maybe do the $100 challenge to try and dabble day in the passion side. Thanks for reading and for the comment.

  2. Great last thought. Feel lucky that I am excited most mornings. The challenge is keeping those around me excited. You inspired me to just ask them. Got some interesting responses. Made me wonder if I would have the courage to leave the current comfort if I become unchallenged.

      1. …finishing my thought on that- I think it took several things for me to get the courage up- one applying for a job for the first time in pretty much my whole life- and being shot down(thankfully). It wasn’t until realizing my family would support me that I could fully acknowledge how unhappy my every day work life was. I had been miserable for years with work.

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