One piece at a time

Old socks

Recently I spent the afternoon making sock clothes for Barbie Dolls. Making sock clothes is a practice that came from my childhood- then moved up to when I myself was a mom and my daughter and I would rifle through the dreaded mismatched sock basket for something fun enough to turn into clothes. Now, her daughter and I assemble a handful of dolls, and also gather old socks (all these years later, it’s fun that the socks are nearly all colorful and with artwork)

Belles’s of the ball

They may have all started out life as a “Barbie” but they are so much more now.
We have the usual three names right out of the gate, Lucy (of course), Cindy and Betsy. The others we try to name but she’s always stuck on these three and eventually naming the rest isn’t important enough for us to worry about.

I’ve often wondered why there’s so much controversy about Barbie. I grew up with loads of Barbie dolls (they say the average girl has a dozen, I believe that to be a low estimate) I did not grow up believing my waist would be disproportionality small or my chest perky and big- I just wanted to play! I think back, and I don’t recall my Barbies coming with pre assigned jobs, although it’s possible they did. If so, that pre assigned job listed on the box would have gone in the trash with the twist ties and cardboard. I probably made them mostly Mommies~ unapologetically.

I guess my dreams were suppose to be Astronaut by day, flamingo dancer by night.
But they weren’t. I think that the sock clothes maybe put it all in perspective. I can’t be sure but my Barbie (who was probably named Kacie…my equivalent of Lucy) was busy hunting for the perfect sock’s to upscale into a posh jumper, a three holed shirt, or If I found an old tube sock of my brothers that wasn’t a dingy mess, a long gown. Kacie wasn’t too worried that the other girls at the party had on the latest colorful gown that Mattel put out- my Kacie, she was sensible and fun. Unique in her quirkiness, she entered every party confident in her sock wrap designs.

I’ll bet that she pursued her passions- she went on to have a house full of kids, she continued with her frugality and made sock clothes for each of them. She met Skipper for coffee or a margarita a couple times a week, she was a good neighbor and a good friend.

So this practice of sock clothes served me well. It served my daughter well, and it’s serving my granddaughter well. We discuss the up-cycle angle and the fact that we are saving a lot of money by not running out to buy new clothes. She has taken it a step further (because my Grandchildren are above average) and has figured out how to create shoes and handbags~ Not once during our clothes making did I get the impression that she will have a damaged outlook on herself. Never does she mention wanting to look just like them, only that designing clothes is fun and later that she might want to have whatever job it is that you can lay on the board with wheels and go under cars. I tell her that’s called a mechanic, and they work on cars. She smiles broadly, shaking her head yes.

The world is her oyster.

Till next time- Erin

8 thoughts on “Old socks”

  1. My barbies also had homemade clothes! My mom helped create fancy attire with her sewing skills. I too, ‘thought’ oh I can see something … therefore my poor older sister was. It too impressed:
    My sister, Dana was in 4-H and had finished sewing her grand prize bathrobe for judging entry the following week.
    I, only 10 yrs old, found this great material in a bag and proceeded to cut a section of material out! My Barbie needed this material for her new outfit. With scissors, needle and thread I created what I thought was the perfect outfit. SCREAMS from the other room- made the household aware that I had cut I to her 4-H project. Thankfully , with mom’s creative help, the long bathrobe quickly became a ‘short’ bathrobe above the knees and Dana received a BLUE ribbon. I think she forgave me?!

    1. Oh my!! Creativity almost got ya in hot water! So glad that sister ended up with a blue ribbon or you might have had a different long term outcome.

  2. I love this post so much! I was in the toy section at Walmart just last week with my best friend when we passed by the Barbies. I said the exact thing you did. I don’t remember ever specifically noticing or caring that Barbie had a small waist and large chest. I know for sure I never cared. Like you, I just wanted to play. Now, I’ve definitely had body issues and weight problems throughout my life, but Barbie had nothing to do with that.

    It’s also great how you are passing down traditions to your grand daughter. ❤️

  3. So many good things about this post! <3 Gave me all the feels. We don't have to spoil our kids or grandkids with material possessions. Our time and love ARE enough. Thank you for the reinforcement of that concept. <3

    1. Couldn’t agree more! They have fun when we participate and when they use their imagination💜💙❤️

  4. GENIUS! I have always wondered what to do with old sock, or orphaned socks. My creative juices are flowing now! What a grand idea! Now if I only had a Barbie doll to use as a form. 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

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