One piece at a time

Her dream

I’m spending a few minutes of my morning sipping black coffee while I sneak one of my ever famous chocolate chip cookies. (yes, you know the ones.)

I’ve been deep in thought again, sometimes a good thing…sometimes not.

Getting my nerve up to fight with word press again because everywhere I turn there are posts, and quotes, and conversations about finding your passion so I am reaffirmed that I am not the only one out there searching. Right?

I keep going back to a conversation I had with my Mom, probably, shamefully about twenty years ago which would have put me in the thirty something age bracket. Ya know what I wondered about? “What did you want to be when you were growing up?” That my friends is a simple question asked probably about twenty years too late. I was really around thirty years old before I had the thought that my Mother maybe just maybe had a different idea in mind for how her dreams would play out. I mean, of course she had the best five kid’s that God had ever handed someone- so the idea that she didn’t always want to be twenty nine years old with five children hanging on her had never crossed my mind.

Her answer, if I recall, was that she wanted to do something with fashion. Come again??? If you’d met my Mom you would had guessed this answer was about 356 on her list….. but no, she said she wanted to do something with fashion. She also told me how her and a friend had tried to join the Navy once, but she was glad that hadn’t worked out.

My point to this memory is that even the best Mom in the world had other dreams, and it pains me to say I was too busy selfishly enjoying her motherly love to consider this till much too late.

So, do me a favor and drop me a line of either your passion or your Mothers. Let me know which is which…..If you’re blessed to still have your Mother than firstly, I’m jealous as hell and second, if you’ve never talked to your Mom about what her dreams were- invite her for a cup of tea.

Til next time– Erin