Early morning thoughts.

Good morning. Allow me to make this the spot where I can post short thoughts- I will brew my black coffee in my old percolator and write from the heart from time to time. The idea is that it won’t be a long enough thought to make an entire post out of but rather a short thought or quote to nibble on with your coffee. Good morning fellow passion seekers.
** Please note, older posts appear first. Please scroll to the bottom for the latest caffeine induced posts**

Enjoy the day- ☕️❤️ Erin
Beautiful gratitude
I find myself far from home this morning, in a beautiful coffee shop,sipping my black coffee.

This morning I am soaked in gratitude for this life I am living. Praying and hopeful that all our family is working towards will soon be behind us. I hope that today, perhaps over a cup of hot coffee you too will have time for reflection and gratitude. Life is good my friends~ even during the struggles.☕️💜

Enjoy the day-☕️❤️ Erin
This view
There is something to be said for hot black coffee….and quiet.
When I was growing up my Grandma lived with us. If I had a nickel for ever time she reminded us kids that Grandma liked “peace and quiet” my nickle stack would reach the tree tops. As I am now a Grandma myself, I can tell you, I am finally learning how there is something to treasure in the quietest mornings, and to sit and look at this view is more than I deserve.

Understanding peace and enjoying this view is easily one of my favorite ways to start to my day.
Enjoy the day- ☕️ ❤️ Erin
Coffee at 3 a.m.
Turns out you can be physically exhausted and emotionally drained, and yet your body won’t rest.
For me, it’s usually that my brain won’t shut off.. recently it was something much more dangerous not allowing me to rest (but that’s a blog post for another day). At least now when I can’t sleep I can reach out to all of you who might be awake at 3 a.m. (any chance you’re also listening to James Taylor with earbuds in, or is it just me??) while I listen and type, I hope that your working on your passion… I know I am.

Enjoy the day- ☕️❤️ Erin
Sharing my morning with two of my little loves. You gain a whole new passion and purpose when the next generation joins you.
Years ago I used to clean for a couple who than became lifelong friends. They have a daughter, who at the time was a small child~they used to have this quote on their refrigerator: I’ve never forgotten it,
“It is no small thing, when they, who are so fresh from God, love us.”
-Charles Dickens
No truer statement has ever been uttered.
Enjoy the day-☕️❤️ Erin
This is what a lot of morning’s look like in today’s busy world. With coffee in the to go cup and breakfast brought to you by Entenmann’s there is still so much to be grateful for.

Remember when having littles was just a dream? Remember when you’d wonder what life would be like with kids… a lot of times, it’s like this. Busy mornings, and much to be grateful for… laundry and all. Hoping your following your dreams today.
Enjoy the day- ☕️ ❤️ Erin
Dragonfly Morning

They are by far my most collected item. They symbolize strength,and personal growth, they carry angels on their extra set of wings. (Which let’s face it, is pretty frickin awesome) all while being graceful and illusive.
I can’t help but love them! (thankfully as my tattoo is for real and forever.) So many things I love in life are spun from the idea that dreams come true, that illusive is not impossible and that if you believe- it can happen. Such is the flight on dragonfly wings.
Good morning, may your coffee be hot and your passions be recognized.
Enjoy the day ☕️❤️ Erin
Cool & Colorful
Little tykes, little people, and my new favorite coffee mug.
The weather is changing~ it’s cool, and we are getting ready to move into a new season. Our family is going though as many changes as Mother Earth, and this brings a playful morning back to into our house.
So much fun as we make our changes- so much color brought back into our lives. Fresh hot coffee on a cool morning~ full heart.
Enjoy the day- ☕️❤️ Erin
Making our way through the process of packing and staging. The trip to the couch is a maze of scooting, sliding and stepping over things.

Life, always an adventure~ constantly changing… thankfully. Life has given me many unexpected blessings, blessings that require good old fashioned grit, guts and love. Thankfully with a cup of black coffee to start my day, I’m feeling equipped to handle each challenge.
Enjoy the day-☕️❤️ Erin
Good morning fellow passion seekers.
I hope this beautiful, cool day has you thinking of the last day of summer- we are just days away from the seasons renewing.

If you’re soul is telling you it’s time to renew yourself, take some time this weekend and make a physical list of things that would need to change for you to become passionate about life again.
My morning reflections have helped me tremendously with this~ there are still changes coming in this blessed life I live. Wondering, who out there can relate?
Enjoy the day – ☕️❤️
So tired…pretty sure I’m putting way to much faith into what this coffee will be capable of.

Started this puzzle yesterday with the “Grands”, they are expecting to finish up now that their eyes are awake- Grandma has plans on a long movie in the DVD player.
My whole life is a puzzle right now, so this is a great visual for me- realizing that everything starts in pieces and must be assembled as we go. We are not in charge of the pieces in our box… keeping the faith.
Enjoy the day☕️❤️
Home Traveler
Early mornings, home but with my travel mug. The only travel happening this morning is in my mind.
Traveling back to when my kids were little, although I appreciated the moments, my mind would run to what I should add to the shopping list, should I be cleaning the bath, and do I have enough money to pay the bills that were piling up on the counter.

These days, if I’m at home and snuggled on the couch with a travel mug~ you can bet it’s because I’ve got one of my little Grands near by…. If I thought I was a passionate about being a mother I can see it was just training wheels for how I’d feel about all these little people.
Home will always be my favorite travel destination.
Blessings galore.
Enjoy the day ☕️❤️ Erin
I do
Taking a minute this morning for reflection as I look out over this beautiful piece of Gods country that we have readied for our sons wedding tomorrow. Grass is cut (Thanks Papa Bill) all projects have been wrapped up by my hard working hubby- so here we are- just a few things on the check list for today than it’s “I do” for my first born.

Tomorrow this space will be filled with one hundred plus people- today as the sun is coming up, it’s just me and a lifetime of memories.
Enjoy the day- ☕️❤️ Erin
Lights off
It’s in the books.
My sons wedding is past us, the young couple are happily on their honeymoon and all but the lights have been cleaned.
I have spent the last three mornings in reflection. The vows to me were the best part~ not because of the commitment promised although that’s what weddings are about, but because my son, whose a very private guy when it comes to his personal life, spoke about his life, love and the family he is building. A good reminder to this momma that life moves on and love flourishes in a new home.
To realize that he loves his wife with the same love I’ve held for my husband for over thirty four years~ it’s gonna be all good worried Momma. They’re home.

Enjoy the day- ☕️❤️ Erin
Mornin! The sun is still sleeping but after a good night sleep (finally) I’m awake and enjoying my black coffee.
I have a lot on my plate this week, things that are going to require me asking for help and taking that lending hand. This is a weak point of mine. Usually I would struggle miserably, then give up. I would rather not finish than admit I couldn’t do something without help.

Perhaps it’s age, or just true determination- but I am asking for help with my blog when needed. I believe the folks who help are truly my angels ~ I believe that they are warm spirits that want me to be successful, a rare trait in todays cut throat world.
This black coffee, my angels on earth and true determination are making me believe in myself- that my friends is awesome!
Enjoy the day. ☕️❤️ Erin.
Half full
Good mornin’ fellow passion seekers!
It’s a wet, cool fall day here in Michigan. Fall is letting us know it’s in charge!
I hear that snow is possible in a few days, so I was very intentional this morning to enjoy the fall view~ to remind myself that all seasons must pass.

I’ll admit, I’ve been a bit down lately~ but I’m over that now. Forcefully taking my positivity back.
The mug is half full. My heart is happy. Life is good as I go into this next season.
Enjoy the day. ☕️❤️ Erin
Sipping my black coffee while I think about my fun mug. I have a flashback to about twenty five years ago. Oprah was on, the topic was probably family dynamics- A woman in the audience stood up and spoke about her infant son and how she already hated his wife.
I can recall being appalled, and sad hearing that comment.
I’ve worn a lot of hats in my life. Daughter, sister, wife, daughter in law, mother, grandmother and mother in law.

I have a son in law and a daughter in law who I love, who are extensions of my own children, and who bring joy to the son and daughter I birthed. They are my “bonus” kids! It’s not always easy, family dynamics are hard…but it’s always worth it.
It’s worth the love, laughter, and support.
Enjoy the day ☕️ ❤️ Erin
Well gooood mornin!
Wow I’ve been on the struggle bus, but today is a new day.
I am reminded of my childhood, when my Mom would ask what I wanted to do when I got older? I would answer that “I’m not sure, but I know I want to press a lot of buttons.”
Seriously, this would be my answer. So as I got older, and worked in front of a computer in our office all day I’d think “Boy my seven year old self missed it by a mile.”

Nope, as it turns out I’ve always known where my heart would be happiest.
Enjoy the day. ☕️ ❤️ Erin
Sweet time
Good morning! It’s the last Thursday before Christmas, what better time for reflection.
I had been through it all this year, my body has scars as proof of its journey through 2019. My spirit has had its moments of sorrow. But as they say, this too shall pass.

So as I enjoy a taste of the sweet life, I don’t forget that God has stood firm with me again… I am blessed.
Enjoy the day- ☕️ ❤️
I’m the first to admit I don’t like the cold. I spent my childhood in that brilliant Arizona sun, and this chill in the mitten is a struggle most winters.

But then, right in the middle of your coffee, you look up and notice that you’ve been given a beautiful sunrise. More than that, you’ve been given the promise of a new day. I’ve been through enough that sunrises like this stop me in my tracks. It’s a few minutes to go outside on the deck and give thanks! It’s a time to take inventory of your life. A new day, full of hope and promise…and beauty.
Enjoy the day- ☕️ ♥️ Erin
The last day of January, what a blah month it has been. Seems like I can’t turn on the news, be on social media or hear from a friend without the news being bad. It’s been real blah.

I’m trying to be that “glass half full” gal, so I am taking the angle that all this bad news and blah skies are to remind me that nothing is promised to us. I’m reminded that without the blah, we might not appreciate the brilliance. Without the sad the happy can’t shine. So, I’ll drink my dang decaf, (oh how I miss you caffeine) and I’ll be happy to know my mug is full.
I’m happy to know that underneath the slushy wet snow, if you look real close you might just see Spring- and with Spring comes renewal
Enjoy the day- ☕️ ♥️ Erin
Happy place
If you remember the $100 challenge I put on the blog months ago, you might recognize this desk. It was my bargain deal on the auction site that than went on to be my Happy Place.
At this stage of my life it holds pretty dang true, that writing is the only time of the day I don’t feel like I should be doing something else. It’s like a sprint to that time of day. By the time the coffee and raisin brand hit my lips I’ve already put a check mark next to half my to do list- because by nature I’ve got a guilty streak if I don’t accomplish enough.

So, here I am at my happy place. Thinking about my blog and the folks who spend some of their treasured time reading my thoughts.
Enjoy the day- ☕️❤️
Slowing down
Good morning! The sun is up, although barely here in the beautiful state of Michigan. I have grabbed my black coffee and my “back to the basics” breakfast. I spent yesterday enjoying slowing down- what’s that all about?

I’m learning a lot from these Grandkids, like it’s fun to stop while you shop and look at the fishy, the lobster tank is worth a moment as well. When you pass the floral section you should smell some of the flowers and always smell lots of candles before choosing one. So I’m trying to tame my get it done attitude of rushing and rules. Back to the basics of my black coffee and good for me foods. I need to be here a few more decades, these kids they teach me a lot!
Enjoy the day-☕️❤️ Erin
What’s next
Mornin, it’s all new- everything jumbled, mixed up, stressful. It takes me thirty seconds each morning to get acclimated with the fact that our world around us isn’t what it should be.
I go to bed stressed, wake up in a slight panic, and in between try and reassure myself we will all be ok.

I enjoy my black coffee while hiding out on the back couch- having turned off the news for a much more child friendly option of Sunday morning cartoons. We shall watch our church service via computer stream, life is weird and this knot in my stomach wonders… “What’s next?”
Enjoy the day – (no really, enjoy the day)Erin ☕️ ❤️
Fire and Smoke
A bit chilly as this Sunday starts. Not usually sitting around the fire pit for coffee but because of this whole “social distancing” thing it was a great way to visit with my Dad who I haven’t seen in over a month. Fire going, chairs apart we are able to see each other- I would say we “catch up” but we speak a few times a day so no catching up needed. But we sit, we enjoy the sun, the chill in the air and mostly just knowing the other is near.

To my left he sleeps in the blue chair… and that’s good. It’s peaceful just to know that we are sharing some time near each other. We have never really taken time for granted, but now a days with the the craziness of the world- this- this fire, this coffee and a moment in time with my Dad is what I needed.
Enjoy the day ❤️ ☕️ Erin
Sounds of nature
Memorial Day. It rained last night and there’s a touch of dew in the air, almost no breeze so the deck is incredibly perfect for coffee.
Starting my day out alone after sneeking out of the house like a teenager at one a.m. I can hear a hundred birds, some bull frogs and I’m not sure what else, although it still somehow sounds peaceful.

It reminds me of our camping days when the kids were little. Our little Dutchman Duck camper was perfect for family trips. The kids would always be so worn out from the days activities that coffee time was quiet as they slept in. I was never really sure how life was going to turn out. Getting married young and hitting a lot of bumps in the road, present day included ~ but I have kept the faith that it would be good. It’s been that times a thousand.
Enjoy the day. Erin ☕️ ❤️
Up and out of bed early. Days like this are few and far between, sneaking out of the bedroom- glasses in hand, because the keyboard is calling.
Its quiet, and I have yet to jumble up my mind with the long list of what needs to be done today.

so, it’s time to get back to the whole idea behind the blog. Finding my passion and taking my turn. Write. Write because I like to tell stories, write because I decided I would not let myself down-
Hope that your day finds you doing something for yourself. Don’t let yourself down.
Enjoy the day ☕️ ♥️
Well, this is how it’s been. No rest for the body or mind. My pop-tart, in pieces and lovingly left over, and bagged by the tiny people whom I love so much. Sweetness in pieces, broken like so much around here.

We try. We’re getting better- Tylenol, to help the physical pain (having had to ER trips in a week) and my decaf coffee… decaf coffee..
When I look at it all together the only really good part is the text on the mug. “Home.” Still love who I share it with, still grateful for the walls that shelter us. Even if these days are too much- I always have home, and all the pieces of my life still add up to sweetness, like the broken pop-tart.
Enjoy the day ☕️ ❤️ Erin
Child’s play
Starting this morning with memories. Good memories, decades long.
Do you have a childhood friend that you’re still close with? One that you consider your younger sister, and that you love?

I do and it’s great! She’s one of many great ladies who’ve stuck with me throughout life. One who has enriched my life.
On this particular morning, I’m enjoying coffee from my new mug that arrived in the mail. My childhood friend, who is my hand picked little sis.
The only nickname that’s really stuck throughout my life was “Ernie”, therefore as kids she became “Bert.”
I do love ya Bert, love the memories. Forever.
Enjoy the day ☕️ ❤️ Ernie