Hi, welcome to my blog. If your reading this I am shocked that I actually got this up and running, thank you for finding me.
Here’s where I’m suppose to tell you my “stats” so here goes.
I am 51 years old and I’ve been married to my best guy Jeff for 33 years!( Insert stunned expression of all our friends and family.) I have two grown children who have found their forever loves and seven Grandchildren, and this sums up my “life.” These lovely people I’ve just mentioned are my everything in this crazy world. But really my blog isn’t about my “stats” it’s about who I am as a person, and what I want to do when I grow up.
I live in Michigan and work with my husband and Son in our family-owned business- I was going to work there for a year to help get things going… we are now over 18 years in and I am still there. Nothing better than spending your day with those you love but my heart is calling out for more. A quest to find my “Pie”.
I love old barns, hot summer days, entertaining at my home, cooking, baking and cutting grass. Let’s not forget good coffee, a good gin and tonic, and a good bonfire. I’m trying to find a passion that can be part of my everyday life.I’m trying to let all these idea’s that I’ve had brewing in my heart and head have a voice.
I have lovingly, intentionally, and voluntarily let someone else eat “The Last Pie Of Pie” for years, now I’ve got a fork and I’m ready to try out some unknown- I hope you’ll join me and make this a group journey.
Thanks for stopping by- Erin