One piece at a time

Little things

It wasn’t too long ago I spent the day “killin’ time.” I had made so many trips to Hobby Lobby during the day’s I stayed with my son in law and Grandkids that my phones GPS just assumed when I got in my car that I was heading into Macon to spent an hour looking at things I had no reason to buy.
On this particular day, I wasn’t having it. I drove and drove (for awhile in the wrong direction) and eventually ended up in a tiny town called Bolingbroke. I found a quaint shop to peak around in. Stumbling across a suitcase of quotes- I knew I had hit my very own jackpot, a full suitcase of dollar quotes typed out on thick card stock!
Looking back, I should have bought more than ten quotes, guess a girl has to stop somewhere. I am with quotes, like some gals are with shoes, makeup or bras. They are collectors of the ones that make them fall in love, stir them all up inside like brownie batter- my husband I’m sure is glad that my taste is all about the one dollar quotes in a suitcase. So am I.
This particular card hit me.

I’ve always believed it to be true.

Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.”- Robert Brault.

Let’s talk about… “Pudding with a crust.” This was the cook and serve pudding my mom would make. As it cooled, the top became crust like, and therefore us kids referred to it as such. That phrase is still going strong in our family tree fifty years later. I still make cook and serve pudding, I still call the top rubbery layer, “crust.”

Dancing while bread toasted… Now this would have been a fun memory if my sister and I had put this into motion, it’s made only more fun by the fact that it was our Dad, our giant hero among men, who would put his finger on his head and spin like a ballerina while his bread toasted and his daughters belly laughed.

Oursecond parents” … these were my folks great friends. They never had children of their own, but, what they did have were friends with five kids who they could spoil, tease and laugh with. We were blessed that from time to time they would allow my sister and I to stay at their house with our cousins and the daughter of another close friend. They would teach us military cadences and have us march in lock step to the root beer stand down the street- than it was leap frog home and penny candies from the corner store till we were literally sick. We would later read Cinderella from the real Grimms’ Fairytale- anyone else recall that those step sisters were willing to cut off toes to fit in that damn glass slipper?
oh the memories….

I’m not sure what my kids would tell you their little things were… that’s up to them to recall and reflect. I pray they hold several in their hearts. Now that I’m blessed to have so many Grandkids, I have to say that I hope our everyday interaction will result in the small things becoming the big things some day. You can’t force the happenings- what people will remember and cherish are not the elaborate purchases, extravagant parties and alike. They’ll remember perhaps that you could spin like a ballerina, or that you were fed penny candy till you literally couldn’t eat another piece.
Today, reflect. Give thanks to those who have added to your little things.
Til next timeErin

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