12 in 20 (women who follow their passions)

12 in 20/ Clare

Welcome to my 12 in 20 series, where once a month for a year I highlight a woman who has found and is following her passions! I hope that you enjoy each story, find yourself in them, they are wonderful women. I am blessed to highlight them and to share their story with you. Thank you for joining me for the sixth post in the series.

There is a beauty in never having to discover your passion. Some will look for their entire lives and not feel that they have stumbled upon what they were meant to do, what brings them the greatest joy…Clare has never had to “discover” her passion. She was born with it, was nurtured towards it, and has spent her entire life pushing to keep it present in her everyday.

When Clare was a teenager she asked her father for a new pair of jeans, her fathers reaction was that she would have to wait a couple weeks. Clare’s reaction was to tell him that if he didn’t give so much money to charity, they would have enough for her jeans this week… his response was to remind her that “her home was a lot bigger than she thought it was.” This became the mantra for her life- So this notion that family extended beyond the walls of her home sent her into this life of love and activism.

So when the whole world is part of your family, where do you start? Let’s start at the beginning…

Clare was born the youngest of six children, to an Italian Father and a Mother who was a mix of nationalities. She and her siblings always identified with the Italian side of the family, in fact the exuberant Italian gene took over the household, think large gatherings, great Italian food, wine and conversation, lot’s of loud conversation.

Clare was described as the chatty child, something she didn’t give much thought to, until it started getting her in trouble at school. Her report card would often show a check mark next to “Talks to much” or “Visits with friends.” Clare attended Catholic school where God and Family were celebrated. She would enjoy science, cheer-leading, singing and plays. She recalls a time when she was sent to the principle for her chattiness, and her father was called to the school to talk with the principle. The principle told her Father that “Clare must get a handle on her talking.” Her Fathers response was “I don’t worry about the kids that talk, I worry about the kids that don’t talk and you don’t know what they think.” Her Father was always good with putting life into perspective. She began to realize that communication would play a big part in what she would do with her life.

Her senior year she met her husband, Scott. Clare was a cheerleader, Scott was the captain of the baseball and basketball team. They were set up on a date by the class president who asked if she would be interested in going on a date with Scott. She remembers that Scott was wearing a fedora, a vest and bell bottoms. Of course she couldn’t resist, they began dating, and the April after Graduation they married. It would be eight months later they would both, on the same day devote their lives to Christ and together they would spread the gospel “the good news” that “Jesus came for all.”

They began serving, taking part in youth groups, bible college, and advocating for the undeserved. They have been partners on this journey of life and seeking God. Together they sought to help young girls who found themselves pregnant and were looking for options outside of ending their pregnancies. When one of their children became the victim of a violent sexual assault, Clare and Scott became advocates in the field for those who had suffered this type of trauma. They both have become active by volunteering, and serving on the boards for the Child Advocacy center in Calhoun Co. Together they share their passion for serving the poor and the marginalized.

Thirty years ago Clare and Scott had a calling to start their own church. They were given word from God that the church they would have would be a church “at the crossroads.” Although they built the church near where two major highways cross, they also took the crossroads name to mean that all were welcome, all genders, races, everyone from all walks of life would come together to worship and feel welcomed. Much like her father had explained, her family was indeed so much more than the people she shared a home with.

Crossroads church was born out of hard work, faith and love. When looking for a place to start the church, Marshall Michigan was where the lord lead them. They joined together with ten families and the dream of Crossroads came to life. Clare and Scott Co-pastor at the church and she continues her work as a social activist. She currently sits on the boards for Michigan Human Trafficking Task Force and Sexual Assault Services Calhoun County Advisory Board. Adding to her list of credits – she is a formally trained spiritual director and has authored three Enneagram books. She holds the title of President of the International Enneagram Association (Great lakes Chapter). She is the developer of a program that certifies Emmeagram instructors in the Harmony Triads, and is also cited as a recommended instructor with First Analysis Institute of integrative studies, Loyola University Chicago.

When talking with Clare you can see her heart, her intentions shine through her smile. She truly has taken the words of her father to heart, and also the words of her Grandfather who had two phrases he would often use, “Come to where the love is” and “Love together.” This is what she does at Crossroads. Clare welcomes you in to gather in love. To be where the love is, she knows no other way.

If you watch a service either in person or via live stream you’ll see her giving the message or hear her beautiful singing voice. She is a woman of very high energy, waking in the morning wondering what she needs to do to make sure no injustice is happening anywhere. She has to remind herself that she can’t make it through the day if she moves too fast. All that results from that is the unintentional consequence of leaving people in her wake.

She and Scott have a beautiful family, children and Grandchildren who are present in their lives and their church. Clare will tell you however, that she views her family just as her father had taught her, beyond the biology and DNA, her family is all inclusive.

One could never sum up her passion in one sentence. The fact that you can’t do that is the greatest compliment. I tried to pin it down while talking with Clare, to make it all fit in a pretty little box with a bow, but that isn’t how her passion is. Her passion is vast …and our world is a better world because of it.

Thank you Clare for sharing your story.



To visit Crossroads Church and Ministries please visit the “About Us” link below.

4 thoughts on “12 in 20/ Clare”

    1. She really is a quality lady. Glad you got to “know” her through the post.
      Thanks for the comment.❤️

  1. Sending much love to you, Erin! I am a mix of grime and love. I hope all those that follow your blog experience your heart to inspire others to become themselves. You’re A beautiful person filled with light and hope. Keep being you and living your passion. You motivate all of us to become the best version of ourselves💞

    1. Thank you Clare, each of us is in our own journey. The best we can hope for is that we can be proud of ourselves at the end of our trip.
      Thanks for agreeing to tell yourself story.

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