One piece at a time

$100 Challenge (part 3)

Week three of the one hundred dollar challenge?
How are you doing?
If you’re new to the blog, know this…My posts go in order of publish date-so go ahead and seek out part one and two~ or read all the posts and hopefully enjoy getting to know me and my passion. You can double back to the rest of week three right here when you’re done.
Are ya saving money, or still making excuses?
Have you had it to save or have you made arrangements to earn the extra? Hopefully you’re moving forward, after all the rest of the world is not working to fulfill your passion.

Since last week I haven’t had to purchase much to add to my writing area. I’m keeping my eye out for a rug, and in the interest of saving money I have dug up an old desktop computer to use! Just like that, no money spent on a used laptop!

I did get a great deal on a clearance lamp at Lowe’s. Always the bargain shopper~ gotta love those yellow tags.
I love the lamp and it’s great for those three a.m. writing sessions because I’m not kicking on the overhead lights in the living room, waking up the rest of the house.

I’ve decided to relocate an old dresser I use for storage, and I’ll take down my repurposed old garden fence to open up space to hang my artwork from last weeks post. So the vision will surely come to life by week five.

Change is still being saved, and dreams are moving forward
If you’re stuck, push through… think hard about why you’re letting your passion go unfulfilled. For me it was the idea that something I would be spending a chunk of time on would be for self fulfilling reasons. That seemed to indulgent. It wasn’t going to bring in money, and therefore felt wasteful. I quickly found out that time doing what fills your soul with joy is never wasted.

So I write.

Than, when I’m feeling selfish or wasteful, I write some more.

Till next time- Erin