One piece at a time

$100 Challenge (part one)

I have decided to put a challenge together to jump-start some creative juices in all of us. I have a five-week plan to help us get started. I say it’s time to turn our ideas into a reality and begin to fuel these stored away passions. We will begin taking action on our passion’s with a small monetary investment of one hundred dollars. I have begun saving my change in old water bottles. I will say it’s easier not to spend when the money you are saving is in coin form. (Take this as a tip from a long time saver.) If you think you can’t get started moving your passion in the right direction with just one hundred dollars, then I especially throw down the challenge to you.

Five weeks is our timeline. Any more and we’re gonna be spinning our wheels, and any less it’s possible we won’t be able to come up with the money. One hundred dollars spread out over five weeks. I’ll bet it’s there. Not saying you might not have to pack a brown bag lunch or give up your Starbucks but it’s there. If you can’t find a way to save it- find a way to make it.

Can you dog sit or kid sit? Do you love to bake and could you put together a Facebook post asking folks to buy your cupcakes, cookies or pies? (see how I slipped pie in there) I think there may be a lawn that you could mow or a friend who needs help with chores.. whatever you can think of. Do it!

We are women who have raised kids. We have made budgets stretch further than most can imagine. We have had to be creative with how we spend and save. But here’s our chance to dig deep and do it again. This time it is not for anyone else, or anyone else’s needs and that can be an odd concept for some…myself included- but here we are and it’s time to find and follow our passion.

So what will you do with your hundred dollars? Well, that will depend if you’ve given your dream enough thought. Are you a person who loves photography but never signed up for the class offered online? What if you want to start baking and you have had your eye on some special molds you’ve secretly coveted? Do you need business cards made or fliers to promote yourself?

I started with a crude sketch of my own writing space. I haven’t had my own space for that in over twenty years. I know that having a place that is all mine for just my writing would be inspirational to me. So that is what I want. I have already bought a large picture I love of an old typewriter, and now I am building on that. I want to find an old desk to refinish and maybe even a fuzzy rug that my bare feet can curl around while I am enjoying the clicking of keys.

Let’s not over complicate this idea. Don’t get bogged down. What’s the first thing that pops in your head? Write it in sharpie, pin it on the fridge and start saving. I will be updating how my writing area progresses and I hope that in five weeks you’ve saved your money and are on your way to investing in your piece of pie.

Till next time- Erin